Friday, August 22, 2008


Sorry for not blogging...Paul clicked on something he wasn't supposed to and we caught a really bad virus. We now have to buy a new hard drive before we are back up and running.

I'm sorry to disappoint all those who check the blog is killing me too:-)

We love ya'll and can't wait to update you on all the new "stuff"

Amanda, Paul, Addison, Lilly, and Lollisquash(the fish)


The Stark Family said...

Good to know you didn't drop off the face of the Earth!! How's school?

Daniel said...

PAUl..bad boy!!! lol

Anonymous said...

It wasn't anything "bad". I thought I was running my spyware software but it ended up being DEADLY virus!!! We will be back up and running in a few days. (hopefully!!!)