Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Classroom

Paul and I spent several hours in my classroom today and I just wanted to share some of my pictures. It's not finished but I am very excited about my layout. Last year my main focus was filling up the room since I started with a room that only had carpet and some desks. This year my main goal was to create a room that was functional and comfortable. If you look closely at the first picture...Paul hung gutters on the wall and I was able to fill them with books. It looks so great. The last picture...I took sample carpet squares and put them together to make a rug (well...I still have to tape them all together underneath). I just realized that I didn't take any pictures of the front of the room...I will update that another day:-) Alright...I think I am having a conversation with myself...


Daniel said...

The room looks great...

Thomas and Heather said...

The children are really going to enjoy the room...very comfortable looking. The gutters were a great idea!