Sunday, August 31, 2008

Our trip to Charleston

So today we decided that we wanted to do something we packed the car and headed towards Charleston. We were so excited and on the way we began to think of all the things we had forgotten such as Addison's cereal for lunch and all the utensils it requires, the chip for the camera...oh and to check the forcast. As we got closer to Charleston it began to rain. We thought it was too late to turn around so we continued to drive. When we got to the beach, the weather was perfect. We were so excited...and then I realized I forgot to bring a bathingsuit for Paul and I, a change of clothes AND towels. We had already paid for parking so we decied that we would get our $7 worth so we went down to the water in our "normal" clothes (we felt like dorks) least Addison had a bathing suit on:-) She LOVED the water. She sat in the sand and waited for the waves to come. After some time playing in the sand we decided that this would be more fun if we were more prepared, so we would come back and do this another time. We finish our trip in Downtown Charleston visiting the Slave Market and eating at our favorite, T Bones! Here are some pictures from our trip.

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