Tuesday, May 27, 2008

James Delwood Newsome
Picture taken at Thanksgiving 2007

On Tuesday night I received a call from my mom telling me that Pop-Pop wasn't doing well. I could tell in my mom's voice that this time was serious. After talking to Paul we agreed that we shouldn't waste any time, and headed up to Virginia early Thursday morning. When we arrived in Virginia we immediately unpacked the car and drove to Pop-Pop's house. It was hard seeing Pop-Pop in his current state. Pop-Pop was always a young looking man to me, but today was different. With his eyes barely opened I introduced him to Addison and told him that I loved him. Before I knew it, Addison had a hold of his finger, and in that moment, I knew that he finally got to meet his great-granddaughter. Still holding on to every breath, we got a phone call Friday around lunch time saying that we needed to get over there as soon as we could because it was only a matter of time. After saying my final good bye, he gave me a big wink, letting me know that he heard me. The most beautiful thing happened next. The nurse had just informed us that sometimes people hold on because they are waiting for something or someone. Pop-Pop's daughter, only 9 years old (he had raised her since she was only 4 months) was picked up early from school. She gave Pop-Pop a hug and a kiss and within a couple minutes Pop-Pop took his last breath. It was one of the most beautiful things I had ever witnessed. I knew that Pop-Pop was finally no longer in pain and he is now looking down on me. Anyone who knows me, knows that I adored Pop-Pop more than anything. He taught me to love unconditionally. He taught me how to laugh and joke. And most of all he taught me the importance of living life to its fullness.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Stuffed Animals?

After 3 nights of very little sleep, sleep deprivation began to take its toll. Addison was sleeping in her bassinet this particular night. She was beginning to wake up, about 1:30am, and I jumped out of bed. While getting Addison ready to feed, I asked Paul, "Do we typically feed the stuffed animals?", Paul, confused said, "what are you talking about?". I continued to ask him if we had to feed the stuffed animals. In the back of my mind I was concerned about the stuffed animals
taking Addison's milk supply. I kept asking Paul but he didn't understand what I was talking about. I continued asking him if we typically fed the stuffed animals but he still didn't understand. I finally told him not to worry about it because I was too tired to explain. When morning came we had a good laugh. I remembered the entire conversation so I don't think I was slept talking. After those hard nights, we HAVE received our much needed sleep

Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Perfect Mother's Day

Today was an exciting day for me and my family. Paul and I woke up this morning, got ready for church, and then began the process of getting Addison ready. This typically is an easy task but today was different. Addison started the morning with the cutest dress (flown in from England, from her MiMi), after spitting up on the dress she was changed into another cute dress only to spit up on it as well. We don't usually have trouble with her spitting up, but like I said, today was different. Today Addison was being dedicated at church and we wanted everything to be perfect. We had so many family and friends coming to celebrate this event with us. Needless to say, we made it to church on time and everything was perfect. The dedication part was quick and to the point, but it was the message that kept me thinking all day. The pastor talked about "leaving a legacy". I thought about the values that I want Addison to be raised with and the important part I play in the way she "turns out". The week leading up to her dedication I kept hearing this song on the radio by Phillips Craig and Dean...

Lord, I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be just like me
I want to be a holy example
For his innocent eyes to see
Help me be a living Bible, Lord
That my little boy can read
I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be like me

Wow! Paul and I have an important role! Pray for our family as we grow together and pray that Paul and I raise Addison to love Jesus and to trust him in her life.

I received the most perfect gifts for Mother's Day. They were so thoughtful. I got a Willow Tree of a mother and baby (which I collect), a book written by mothers, and a large bag of 3 Musketeers. I have a new appreciation for Mother's Day and I just want to thank my moms for raising me and leaving a legacy on my life.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

9 Weeks Old

Addison had a doctor's appointment today and received her 2 month shots. It was so sad, I covered my eyes and ears. I know I am going to have to get brave, but it was so sad. As soon as Paul picked her up she was fine and went right to sleep.

The good news is that she is perfectly healthy. She is in the 50th percentile for her weight (10lb 14oz) and in the 75th percentile for her height (23 in).

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Yard of the Month

After a lot of hard work, sweat, and tears:-) Paul received the neighborhood's Yard of the Month Award. He received his letter two weeks prior to getting the sign put in the yard. Paul spent those two weeks perfecting the yard so he wouldn't let the other neighbors down. I kept telling him that he had already won the yard of the month award, but that wasn't enough. He now hears a mower from miles away wondering who will get the award next.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Today was an amazing day! Paul and I were completely over-taken by Addison. It is really hard to put into words, but at one point today I was sitting in the front of the car and I looked in the rear view mirror to see Addison gazing at Paul with so much adoration. It brought tears to my eyes. I was overwhelmed with so much love to know that we have been blessed with each other and we were a family.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Bath Time

Bath time is Addisons favorite part of the day. Paul does most of the washing, I do her hair, and then Paul and Addison play in the water. She loves when we use the sprayer. She likes to catch the water in her mouth. Here are some cute pictures from our bath time.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Here are some more pictures of our little "mess"... that is what she is... a mess:-)