Monday, January 14, 2008

33 Weeks...Can you believe it?

We cannot believe that Addison will be here in such a short time. About a week ago I woke up in the middle of the night to her rolling around. It was more movement then I had ever felt. Paul's touch typically calms her down, but she continued to move for 2 1/2 hours. I told Paul the next day that she was deffinently up to something. We found out at our doctor's appointment on Thursday that she had moved head-first. It is amazing to know that she is just as ready as we are to meet.
Paul and I are so excited about her arrival. Anytime we do something, we try to imagine how much more fun it will be with Addison.


James & Diane said...

Great news!! The time will go fast and before you know it Addison will be here. Let us know if there is anything we can do. Keep us posted!!

The Kents said...

I can't believe it is almost time for Addison to be here. Hearing you talk about her rolling reminds me of Zak. He was a major roller and made my stomach do all kinds of weird moves. He entertained us every night! Now, just wait for the movement to slow and then for that final energy burst - at least that's what happened to me. Enjoy your last quiet moments together!
