Sunday, November 22, 2009

Belly Pictures

With Addison I showed off my belly each month...sorry I haven't been so "on top of it" this time around.  So how has the pregnancy been...
1. I was sick the first 4 months...not so much fun.
2. I started feeling a lot more movement within the last 2 weeks.
3. I feel like I am carrying this baby lower.
4. We find out what we are having on December 1st...I will be 5 months then.
5. Addison talks to the baby through my belly button and will kiss it when she's done playing.
* The other day Addison was talking to the baby and then she quickly said "Ok, bye-bye", and then put my shirt down.  It was so cute.
6. When we are out, Addison always wants me to carry her, this is somewhat challenging with my belly, but I'm figuring it out.
7.  We always wanted a little girl and since we have Addison we cannot wait to see what this little one is.
8.  I was scared about having 2 for the first 4 months, but ever since I have been feeling better, I am completly tickled by the idea.  We are so excited!
9.  I will be having a C-section again with this one because of the danger of me rupturing my last incision.  We will be scheduling the C-section the first week in April.
10.  We are so excited and cannot wait to welcome this little one into the world.


The Stark Family said...

You look so cute! I can't wait to find out what you're having!

Thomas and Heather said...

You're a beautiful mommy! We are excited about 12/01.