Tuesday, February 19, 2008


I am so sorry I didn't update you after the last doctors visit. I found out that there wasn't any change. I was still 2 cm dialated and 80% effaced. My next doctor's appointment is Thursday and hopefully there will be some "new" news!!!

My Baby Shower went WONDERFUL at school. The teachers did a wonderful job at preparing wonderful food and decorating so beautifully. I was overwhelmed by the generosity and love that was evident. We got the gift cards and money that helped us complete our purchases for Addison's arrival. I have been so lucky to be surrounded by so many people that care about me and Addison. The teachers have been so involved along the way. My belly is constantly being rubbed throughout the day and updates are given every time I am in the halls. The nickname "prego" was given to me early in the pregnancy and puts a smile on my face everyday. It's hard to explain the support that I am surrounded by... I love all my "teacher friends" so much and can't wait for them to meet Addison.

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