Ethan is almost 8 months old. He is full of personality and loves being around people. He weighs around 18 pounds and ranks short on the hieght scale. He is extremely well behaved and easy going. He loves to play in his jumpy toy (the kind you hang in a doorway). He will jump forever! He is on stage 2 baby food, eating baby puffs and cookies for snacks, and only drinking milk at Mrs. Pams (not sure why). He loves Addison the most! She can make him smile and laugh. It is the cutest thing. He has been sitting up on his own since 4 months and loves to snatch toys from Addison. He has his 2 bottom middle teeth and 2 top teeth (the vampire ones) is so cute! He loves to say "ma ma ma ma, da da da da and aga (addison)". He loves to play in the bathtub. He scares me when he reaches for toys because he gets close to going head first in the water. He also loves to splash! Ethan is the best sleeper. He will sleep 12-14 hours every night. We just love our little man!

Addison is now 2 1/2 years old. I always say she is like a 5 year old in a 2 year old body. She is just too smart for her age. She is the most motherly, loving, 2 year old sister I have ever seen. She can officially change Ethan's diaper from start to finish (even grabbing toys to entertain him). She loves to sing and make up songs. Her favorite song is God our Father (her prayer before she eats). She also likes to sing Jesus Loves Me. Her favorite food is Pizza, cheetos, Chick-fil-a, and hotdogs. She has the best manners I have ever seen in a 2 year old. She will say please and thank you without any prompting. She is a very prissy girl. If she gets anything on her clothes she will go to her room and change her clothes (without us even knowing). She still loves to wear her bows and dress up. She is now getting to the point where she now wants a say in what she is going to wear. I could go on and on...We just love her to death!!!!
Paul and I:
I am still enjoying my job. It keeps me on my toes and there is never a dull moment. I have a child this year who is blind and it has been an amazing learning opportunity. I am also getting my Masters which keeps me busy.
Paul is enjoying his new job. I have never seen him so happy. He gets to dress up...which I like. Yes, Paul has to wear something other than shorts and flip flops.
Our family has officially moved. We sold our house and are still going through the closing process. The closing dates has been pushed back over and over. We are learning a hard lesson in patience. We are excited about this new journey God has provided. We are also thankful to Pauls parents who have played a big part in this new journey!
Great photos & a blog! :)
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