Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ethan is 5 months old

Ethan continues to grow quickly.  Within the past couple of weeks he has started sitting up on his own, rolling over from side to side, eating vegetables and rice cereal, reaching for everything, interacting with other children at daycare, he still LOVES his Addison, he loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, got his first tooth (9-2-10)...I could go on and on.  During the week he goes to bed around 6:30pm and wakes up at 6am.  He is such a wonderful baby.  Here are some pictures of him in his Halloween costume that just came in the mail.  We have been calling him our little dinosaur, so it only made sense that he would be a dinosaur for Halloween.


Anonymous said...

[url= ]Фото приколы с учебы [/url]
Вам понравился результат? и что вы делали-межресничный татуаж или же стрелочки?Как часто приходится корректировать?А в случае в случае если не корректировать-сойдет татуаж абсолютно или же навеки останется какой нибудь отпечаток?Больно было?

vikassingh123455 said...

nice baby