Sunday, August 8, 2010

20 Weeks Old

Ethan is growing up so fast and I feel that I owe everyone a little update...
1. Ethan is sitting up with a little assistance which is really fun for play time
2. He has been eating rice ceral for about a month and we just started introducing peas...which he likes!
3. He is drooling like crazy!  I would not be surprised if we saw some teeth soon :)
4. He weighs close to 16 lbs and is in 3-6 month clothing
5. His eyes change colors from blue to green depending on what he wears
6. He has the cutest smile and the cutest laugh
7. Unlike Addison, he has been sleeping in his bedroom for a couple of months already and is sleeping from 8pm to about 5:30am...we are not complaining!
8. He LOVES his big sister and loves when she plays with him
9. He loves hanging out in his "stand-up" toy while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
10.  ...most importantly...he LOVES his momma and is not ashamed to be a Momma's Boy!


The Stark Family said...

His smile is adorable!

Anonymous said...

Grandma can't wait to kiss those cheeks in a couple of weeks!Love ya!