Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Special Day!

Paul and I woke up Addison by singing Happy Birthday to her.  She wasn't all the impressed...she's not really a morning person these days!  Anyways, she had a birthday party at her daycare and then we had a little party at our house that night. 
When we came home that day, Paul had Addison's gift put together and decorations all over the house!  Addison loved them!  We got Addison her first Power Wheels...a pink Harley Davidson.  It took her a few tries to figure it out, but she loves it now!  That night we had cake and icecream with Uncle, AA, RyRy, Mimi, and Pappy.
What an exciting week!!!
I told Addison to close her eyes as we approached the house.  She kept her eyes closed until Paul brought her in the house.

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