Saturday, January 30, 2010

What is Addison up too?

Addison playing outside with Daddy
Addison is growing up so fast! What is she up too?
1. She is doing great with her potty training.  Her only accidents are during nap and bedtime.
2. She is talking so much right now...she will say just about anything!
3. She is more into baby Ethan than at the begining.  She likes to put her hand on my belly and wait for him to kick.
4. She has the best personality.  She is so funny and does the funniest things to make everyone around her laugh.
5. She loves to read more than anything else.  We catch her in her room sitting in her chair reading a book on a daily basis.
6. She loves her RyRy.  She is still confused as to who is going to be sleeping in the baby room.  If you ask her she will tell you RyRy.  If you ask her who is in mommys belly she will sometimes say RyRy.  If you show her baby pictures of herself she will tell you that it is RyRy.
7. She loves to talk on the phone.  When I make phone calls in the car, I now have to hide the phone or she will ask to talk the entire time I am talking.
8. She loves to have sleepovers with her MiMi and Pappy.
9. She only likes to take baths in the sink now...who knows?
10. We love how she can communicate her needs now, especially when she isn't feeling good.

I could go on forever...she is truely a blessing in our lives.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Big Ol' Belly

I am now 7 months pregnant and counting down the weeks!  Everything is going well with little Ethan.  He is growing just like he is suppose to and he has a healthy heartrate.  We are getting so excited about his arrival.  I was looking at some old blogs of when I was pregnant with Addison and I thought it would be cool to find the exact outfit and compare pictures of me now.  I think my belly looks exactly the same...what do you think?
7 Months with Addison

7 months with Ethan


Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas Again

On Friday we had Christmas with my Mom, John, Matthew, Marie, and Rachael.  As you can see from the pictures, our house was FULL!  Addison's favorite gift was the keyboard Matthew got her.  She loved the microphone the most.  Everyone was pleased with their gifts.  We spent the rest of the weekend hanging out, shopping, and eating good food.

Ryder fell asleep on his FAVORITE aunt!  Yes that would be me!    

Addison and Grandma

Addison loved having Racheal over.  Whenever Racheal is around, I never see Addison.  They entertain each other for hours. 

This is a picture of Addison and her grandpa watching the trains at Sandhills Shopping Center