I haven't really posted an update on Addison so I thought I would take the time to do so now...
* Addison is in the 30 percentile for her height (I cant remember the exact height)...she is going to be short just like her mama.
* Addison weighs 27 pounds.
* She is wearing 18months-2T clothing...it just depends
* She just moved up to a size 4 in shoes (only with socks)
* She loves daycare so much that it is sometimes hard to get her to say bye to her friends.
* She loves strawberries.
* She loves Dora, Diego, and Blue!
* She loves singing and dancing.
* She reminds us to pray before every meal...it is super cute to hear her pray..."God, God, God, Amen"
* She loves her neighbor Alex. When she seems him out the window, she screams for him.
* When she is ready to go to bed she will ask us for her teddy and baba (paci).
* She goes to bed around 7:30 during the week and we try to keep her up till 9:00 on the weekend (so she will sleep in...doesn't always work)
* She loves babies. She already has motherly instincts.
* She has a large vocabulary, but perfers the word "no" right now.
* She is very girly and doesn't like to get dirty and won't leave the house without her bow.
Addison is going to be a ladybug for Halloween. We will be getting her pictures done soon!
I could go on and on but that would take me all night. We love our baby girl so much!
Pregnancy Update: I am 13 weeks. This pregnancy has been soooo different. I am sick all day everyday. I crave everything we don't have. I think I am driving Paul crazy. I am showing already (I will post pictures later). We will be able to find out what we are having at 20 weeks. I will also have a scheduled C-section this time. I haven't given my incision time to heal completly. I will let you know when that date is set (it will be at 39 weeks).