Friday, May 28, 2010

2 Months Old!

Ethan is growing up fast!  He is now 2 months old and we can't believe it.  He changes weekly.  He has become so alert these days.  He follows our every moves and can even follow our voices as we move about the room.  Lets see, what else?
1. He weighs 11 pounds
2. He is super long-not sure quite how long-we have his doctors appt. next week
3. He just moved up to 0-3 months clothing
4. He wears size 1 diapers
5. He still has his beautiful blue eyes
6. He smiles and coos when you talk to him
7. He loves when Addison talks to him.  He will smile with his mouth wide open.
8. He is sleeping long stretches at night.  He is still inconsistant but he has slept as long as 8 hours already.
9. He loves to ride in his "backpack"-on his momma
10. He is drinking 4-5 oz every 3-4 hours during the day and 4-6 hours at night.

Here are some pictures of Ethan and Addison being a big Sister

Ethan saying HI!   He is so smart:)
Addison and Ehtan playing in Addison's room
Addison holding Ethan just before bedtime...Addison is saying "cheese"

Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Fun!

All Smiles!
I was about to feed Etan and Addison insisted that is was "her turn".
Playing in the pool
Ryder came over and joined the Addison puts it "naked".
Addison liked the falling water
Paul and Eric had been working hard in the yard and Paul cooled off by jumping in.  Addison wasn't too sure about that.
Obviously...all the dates are wrong on the pictures.  I guess I need to figure out how to fix that.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Sneak Peak!

We started expanding our fence last week and this is what is done so far.  We have been blessed to have a contractor (friend) helping us out.  I don't think we could have done this on our own.  We are so excited about the new yard, which will more than double in size.


A Day at the Park

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pictures from Ethan's Dedication

Ethan was dedicated at church on Mother's Day.  Prior to his dedicaation we attended a seminar that helped us better understand the importance of the dedication (mentioned in a previous blog).  It was a special moment for our family.  Paul and I are excited about raising our children to know God. 

Here is a picture of our handsome little man 
Ryder was also dedicated on Mothers Day
Ryder was playing with Ethan before church began.
Daddy and Ethan
Mommy and Ethan
The Sadler Family with our Pastor, Don

Friday, May 7, 2010

So Cute

I just love these pictures of Addison.  She is on her Uncle Shh's motorcycle...yes that's what she calls him.  Lately she has been into motorcycles, police cars, firetrucks, and ambulances.  Uncle Shh is going to bring his police car next time!
Uncle Shhh (Paul's childhood friend Chris)

Family Fun!

Ethan is really starting to gain a personality.  He is starting to smile a lot more and he makes the cutest little noises.
This is a picture of Addison and Daddy being silly!  She doesn't fall short in the personality department.  She loves making people laugh and I love that about her. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Bath Time

So...Ethan is not a huge fan of bath time, but he sure does look cute wrapped up in his hooded towel.
We are looking forward to Ethan's dedication this coming Sunday.  Today we completed our course that walked us through the importance of dedication and what it stands for.  My favorite verses were from Deuteronomy 6
"You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart.  You shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.
I pray that all of our friends and family will hold us accountable to these words.