Sunday, February 22, 2009


Addison is getting more excited about reading everyday. When she wants you to read her a book she will bring the book to you and then jump up in your lap. It is the cutest thing and you cannot say no.

Just a little update: Addison has 2 teeth on the bottom that have come through, 2 on top that have already cut through, and 2 more on top not far behind. Our baby girl is growing up so fast!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Big Girl Seat

While Addison was at her sleepover, Paul and I went and bought Addison her Big Girl Carseat (her first birthday present). When we picked her up from MiMi and Pappy's house, we were so excited to see if she would like her new seat. She loved it! Here are some pictures of our Big Girl!


MiMi and Pappy were so kind to take Addison for the night so that Paul and I could enjoy our Valentine's Day together.
Addison, of course, had a wonderful time. She played hard and slept hard (sleeping in until almost 8 am ).
Here are some pictures that MiMi took.

Playing on the floor

One of her many expressions

Pappy took her on many rides around the house

Addison loves jumping on MiMi and Pappy's bed!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Perfect Zoo Day!

Today we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather by going to the zoo. As we were leaving our neighborhood we saw Eric and Alisha (who were on their way to visit us). They decided to join us. We had a great time!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

With Addison's 1st birthday around the corner, I can't stop thinking about how much she has already grown up.

*Addison has been learning different signs for the past 2 months. She can sign eat, milk, more, no more, all done, change, and dog.

* Addison can say mama, dada, bad dog (pointing her finger), done, tick tock, quack, woof

*We can ask Addison to touch her head, nose, ears, and tooth.

* She loves taking her socks off and if we ask her where her socks are she will lift up her foot and look around.

* Addison loves books! She will bring you a book, sit in front of you, and kick her feet with excitement. Beware...once you read one, you have to read all!

* She is walking along the furniture, but not yet brave enough to let go

* She loves having Cherrio picnics on the floor

* She loves dancing to music and bobbing her head to any beat

* She is incredibly silly...always making funny noises and sticking out her tongue

* She goes to bed about 6:30 every night...but wakes up at 6 every morning...even on the weekends!
* She loves "people-watching"
*She knows who feeds her and bathes her; she reaches for Paul every time
We could go on forever...Addison has been a true blessing in our lives.

Valentines from Grandma and Grandpa

Grandma, Grandpa, and Matthew sent Addison a special Valentine's Day package last week. Addison loved opening it. She pulled each item out and took the time to look at them and then quickly reached for the next item. She thought the card was a book, so we had to read it several times to her. Thank you for all her special gifts!

Thank you for the new pj's, the t-shirt, and the card!