With Addison's 1st birthday around the corner, I can't stop thinking about how much she has already grown up.
*Addison has been learning different signs for the past 2 months. She can sign eat, milk, more, no more, all done, change, and dog.
* Addison can say mama, dada, bad dog (pointing her finger), done, tick tock, quack, woof
*We can ask Addison to touch her head, nose, ears, and tooth.
* She loves taking her socks off and if we ask her where her socks are she will lift up her foot and look around.
* Addison loves books! She will bring you a book, sit in front of you, and kick her feet with excitement. Beware...once you read one, you have to read all!
* She is walking along the furniture, but not yet brave enough to let go
* She loves having Cherrio picnics on the floor
* She loves dancing to music and bobbing her head to any beat
* She is incredibly silly...always making funny noises and sticking out her tongue
* She goes to bed about 6:30 every night...but wakes up at 6 every morning...even on the weekends!
* She loves "people-watching"
*She knows who feeds her and bathes her; she reaches for Paul every time
We could go on forever...Addison has been a true blessing in our lives.