Saturday, November 1, 2008

Favorite Past time:-(

As of October 24th, Addison officially does not like bath time. This was one of our favorite parts of the day, and out of the middle of nowhere, she hates it! Paul has been so upset. It was his responsiblility,and his favorite time, to give Addison a bath. Let us know if this has happened to any of your children. We are hoping that this stage won't last long.

1 comment:

Thomas and Heather said... is a great place to find answers to all these "what is happening?" questions.

I found some suggestions on bath time. What seemed to be the most common was to try getting into the big bath (adult bathtub) with her and her toys. She'll think it's a big swimming pool and love it.

The other good suggestion was to play some soft music and make sure the water is plenty warm. The air is getting cooler now and she may just be too cold.